Congratulations to all MedEdits' clients who matched! If you haven't yet informed us of your match result, please let us know. Thus far, we know of people who matched in dermatology, emergency medicine, pediatrics, anesthesiology, orthopaedic surgery, family medicine, internal medicine, neurology and radiology.
Here a few recent and unsolicited testimonials:
"I matched at XXX I am so excited! Thank you for everything during these past months. The Match process definitely wouldn't have gone as smoothly without all of your help and guidance. Thank you so much again for all of your help! I couldn't have gotten my first choice without you! If you need to use me as a reference, I only have wonderful things to say!"
"Dear Dr. Freedman, I matched. Thank you very much for your help and support. I don't have words to express my gratitude. This never would have happened without you. Thank you so much." |
"Hi Dr. Freedman, I'm so happy - I matched at XXX (it was my number one choice for derm!). I'm very happy for such an excellent match! This is really exciting for me and I wanted to thank you again for being there for this entire process! I think all the aspects of the application really came together well and put me in the best possible light. In addition, I felt very prepared for my interviews and was able to be myself and let my strengths shine through. This wouldn't have been possible without your help and I'm truly grateful! I will be happy to keep in touch and please let me know if you ever need any references for future clients."
"I was able to couples match. We are very happy and excited. A huge part of our success is due to your hard work. Thank you so much for your encouragement and advice, we couldn't have done it without you. I have already told some of my friends who are matching this up coming year about you."
"I MATCHED FOR DERM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I matched for anesthesia! Thank you so much for your help, and I wouldn't have been able to do this without you. I am very happy, shocked and also very relieved. Once again, thank you for you help throughout this process."
I am starting to work with residency clients for the upcoming season so, please contact me soon if you need help for the 2010/2011 match.