Today I was helping a medical school applicant prepare for an upcoming interview. She was concerned because this is the only invitation she has received.
Every year, after an initial early flurry of interview invitations, there is often a "slow down" at the end of August. Why? There are a couple of reasons:
1) Medical educators, like you, take vacations, and the end of August tends to be a popular time for summer holidays.
2) First year medical students typically start classes in August and the same people who are likely involved in the medical school admissions process are busy welcoming this new class of students.
So, if you don't yet have interview invites, never fear. Schools will extend greater numbers of interview invitations after Labor Day. Don't expect alot to happen before then.
If you would like to work with me on interview preparation, please retain my services in advance. I am currently booking interview preparation services for the month of October. Also, be sure to read my medical school interview book: The Medical School Interview: From preparation to thank you notes: Empowering advice to help you succeed